Monday, February 16, 2009

Just returned from the Miami Boat Show where the news was not quite as bad as expected. Yeah, there were a few tense smiles around but for the most part everyone was "cautiously optimistic".

The deal is, everyone still loves the sport, they still want to go fishing, and that will require some new stuff! Just that simple.

I talked to Dave Ferrell, Editor of Marlin Magazine, who offered up his belief that Big Rock would be "just fine". Of course, we believe that, but it was nice to hear from a seasoned marketer. It was also very nice to see so many people that know of our tournament and think so highly of it. As I said before, we will do our very best to give the participants and sponsors a tournament no one will want to miss.

Some of the best news was at Hatteras Yachts where they reported sales during the show and were talking with new and previous owners that were contemplating new purchases. Randy Ramsey with Jarrett Bay/Hatteras told me he was feeling pretty good about the show and was looking forward to the upcoming few weeks.

Though we are a little chilly, it sure is good to be back in North Carolina where they have sweet tea!

-Richard Crowe is coming along just great and continuing to venture out some. He took a longer trip this weekend and was happy to report it went well. Keep him in your prayers.

-Sensation, captained by Dale Britt, is open for Big Rock! Could you possibly get a better chance at fishing?? This well seasoned local captain will offer you one of the best weeks of your life. Check out his website at

1 comment:

  1. Crystal-

    Was great to see you at the show, thanks for stopping by my display. Time to get cranked-up on the original.........going to be unique this year!

